WELCOME To The BlissDesigned™ MAGAZINE
A Conscious Chic, Intelligent Luxe
Life & Legacy MultiMedia Magazine For Global Innovative Women
It's Intelligent, Loving, Artful & Impact-Driven.
I am Dr. Denisa Rensen, Curator & Editor of the blissDesigned MAGAZINE.
I am FULLY dedicated to women's global impact, success, longevity and bliss.
When a woman thrives, the whole world benefits!
Here is to our SIGNIFICANCE, our IMPACT & our BLISS!
the 2020 - AGE REVERSAL - Edition
the physicality - the metaphysicality - the erotic - The Futures
The blissDesigned | SOMA | Issue
all about the FLESH
the metabolism, the energy, the senses, the physical embodiment of your entire being
This issue is ON BEING a HUMAN BODY and everything that it entails.
The SOMA Issue is dedicated to topics of deep health, biological age reversal, superlongevity and perhaps even biological ‘immortality’.
The BlissDesigned | PSYCHE | Issue
all about the SOUL
the Mind, the Consciousness, The Emotions, the Metaphysicality of your entire being
This issue is ON BEING a HUMAN SOUL and everything that it entails.
The PSYCHE Issue is dedicated to topics of metaphysical freedom, consciousness expansion, healing of the victim wounded frequencies in us all, and the psychology of radically extended & expanded lifespans.
The BlissDesigned | EROS | Issue
all about the BLISS
the Aliveness, the Radiance, the sexy, the EroCreative embodiment of your entire being
This issue is ON BEING A RADIANT HUMAN and everything that it entails.
The EROS Issue is dedicated to topics of flow, bliss, ecstasis, sensuality, sexuality, desires, the creative instinct, and how to encode our natural EROS into our long expanded lives ahead.
The BlissDesigned | FUTURAE | Issue
all about the FUTURES
the Purpose, The Life Design, the Impact, the Legacy, the Future-Conscious embodiment of your entire being
This issue is on YOU+ | the FUTURE HUMAN already in you and everything that it entails.
The FUTURAE Issue is dedicated to topics of finding your purpose, your mission, your legacy and designing your futures for vibrant youthful living, age reversal, and #exquisiteFutures!