

“your task is not to seek for love
but merely to seek and find all the barriers
within yourself
that you have built against it”


you already are complete

full perfection

your mind

your body

your love

your prosperity

all are free and open-wide to expand infinitely

everyday, moment to moment

there is nothing to fix, nothing to transform, nothing to up/level

there are no levels

you are the full complete package!

your only work in this incarnation is to remove the barriers you have built up 

we've built these up - well, for myriad reasons - mostly to sculpt a well/adapted personality

all the walls and standards and expectations - hindrances, blocks, limitations

you've designed all these, along the way, to protect a 'sound' person - your person - you

but you are done with that


the mind | release it from all beliefs and frequencies that are slowing or blocking your freedom

the body | supplements, hormones, meds, work/outs do nothing if you don't keep out the dampness in your physiology, the toxic load, the inflammation strangulating nutrient absorbtion - don't add, remove first

the love | well rumi above says it all - find and keep dissolving the boundaries you have against it - YOU loving YOU first! - neutralize daily all the loathing, defeating and sabotage - all that non/loving in you

the prosperity | that lack/poverty programming is so deeply ingrained in our DNA, our ancestors all suffered with survival, this is so so normal - our journey here is to lift the barriers to abundance - there is no lack in the universe 

you are complete


perfect already

our evolution is simply about dissolving all the boundaries 

“she wanted freedom
so she freed them all”

Denisa Rensen