ease pl/ease
People That Are Easy To Talk To
These Folks, They're Just So Damn
we crave ease
in all areas of our lives - in our love, our work, everywhere
life has enough friction in it, even moving through space in this physical body, we meet so much natural resistance
why add more in conversations, can we just 'flow'
i am not talking about hello kitty convos about weather or kids or empty niceties
we can still dive deep into the challenging, the difficult, the painful together - but instead of offering up our egos, or exchanging dried up opinions - let's dance here
Ease Is
A Slippery Experience
ease is essentially an experience devoid of overt difficulty, of friction, of pain
it's slippery
this requires moisture, don't you think? a lubrication of some sort, much like the birth canal - without the slippery surface, a child cannot be born naturally
unease is dry, it's jagged, it requires extra energy in order to move along - some conversations are like this, especially with hyper opinionated/boundaried folks
'She Sought Out People
Not Just Anyone
A Unique Breed Of People
Definitely Not The Shrivelled Up Intellectuals, Lacking Erotic Moisture'
if you want ease, you call in that metaphysical moisture, in all areas of your life
what is that lubricant that can cover the surfaces of life and allow all to feel OK, to just flow
even the challenges, the effort, the difficulty, the pain - how can we turn this into ease?
What Is That Metaphysical Lubricant
the etymology of the word 'ease' - gives us a hint
ease comes from the latin word adjacere - meaning adjacent, close by
what is close by - that makes everything OK, that allows for ease & flow even in the difficult times?
the poet HAFIZ shines a bright light on this for us, in his simple poem
Love Says, “I Will, I Will Take Care Of You,”
To Everything That Is Near.
love is the lubricant
the key active ingredient in EASE
whenever you desire ease just add a dash of love
that divine love from deep within you - ideally
this will allow all the metaphysical membranes of your life to become moist, lubricated for flow & ease