
The winter world is not dead… Life flees and hides and sleeps, only to waken again, forever stronger than death — fresher, fairer, sweeter.

—Dallas Lore Sharp

As the northern hemisphere cloaks itself in the silence of winter, it’s a time to rest, reflect, heal, sleep, and as Rilke puts it 'tend to our inner garden'. In this quietude, we can embrace the stillness, allowing our innermost thoughts and feelings to surface and be seen, acknowledged. It's a period where the soul whispers in truths, urging us to listen and nurture our innermost yearnings. Each frosty morning becomes a reminder to slow down, to breathe deeply, and to cherish the gentle unfolding of our inner landscapes.

If our mission is beauty, inner peace, health, freedom, bliss — as all our missions essentially are — I feel — winter is a time of flushing out the physical and metaphysical metabolites of all of our growth from the past year, to pause, reflect, contemplate, process who we were all along, who we are now, and who we're being pulled to be. As the landscape around us lies dormant, we are given the silence and space to delve into our deepest selves, exploring our experiences, our dreams. This process of internal cleansing and contemplation lays the groundwork for profound renewal, aligning us more closely with our essence. An essential piece of our health and inner peace is knowing, feeling who we are pulled to become, to live, the veracity of our inner core to become as clear as day, and with every growth, our inner lens gets sharper (as long as our love expands and we do not succumb to bitterness, remorse).

Winter is a time when life 'flees and hides and sleeps', to recover, to reflect, to cleanse, to process what remains, to replenish the precious neurochemicals of flow that are required for renewal. In this season, nature itself retreats into a restful state, offering a profound lesson in rejuvenation. It's a period for us to mirror this natural rhythm, to take stock of our mental and emotional reserves and to nurture them back to health, to fullness.

… and if you've got a mate in your den, winter becomes a cocoon of warmth and closeness. Snuggle, make a ton of love, shag, whatever your fancy, play play!

After this kind of wintering, you’ll be definitely nice and ready to 'spring' into action once again.

'fresher, fairer, sweeter'

— stronger than death!

#wintering #blissDesigned