A Galactic Holiday


we long to be high

to be deep, to be wide

we so long to


- rensen


Today marks a true galactic holiday, a interplanetary Xmas of sorts, a true birthing of a new era. Today, 12-21 is understood by the cosmo-metaphysicians to be the culmination of a long and arduous awakening in human consciousness. Galactic Alignment Process, an event that occurs every 26,000 years, that is meant to find it's rightful evolutionary destination in 2021. 

This particular date 12-21, this particular 2016 winter solstice is meant to bring us a sigh of relief, that we are as a collective finally off our knees. Finally dedicated to following the calls of higher consciousness as a civilization. Up until this time, this has been something only individuals had to bare, or small tribes. From here on, however, it is going to be a collective pull to goodness, what they call the dawn of a new civilization.

Evolution is such a beautiful phenomenon. Expansion, elevation, the spiraling to 'Higher'. Love and above - is the saying. Meaning if we can as a collective begin embodying love as the highest value, unconditional love that is, then evolution will take a powerful turn and beautiful events in our individual lives and in the collective will begin showing up organically, through the law of attraction perhaps, or some higher law of the cosmos we have not yet delineated.

Wars, devastation of the environment, destruction of things as simple as drinking water for people. The demagogue politics. The abuses of human rights, animal rights, nature - of sentient beings that feel. So heartbreaking. All the shadows. ALL the shadows of humanity coming to the surface and being exposed, illuminated. They are more and more and more being seen as 'unacceptable', solutions as 'non-negotiable'.  The voice of love is becoming crisper and louder. 

This Galactic Alignment Process is meant to shine a light on all the delinquency and by 2021, our civilization is finally meant to be clear on what the heck matters! - and take real LUCID action on it! Goodness, Unity, Connection, Collaboration, Love, Care, Deep Deep Care. A dedication to love, wisdom and ascension.

The whole theory of galactic alignment is fascinating. I highly recommend expanding our view of identity & purpose including the data from this area. The reasons are self-explanatory. When you expand your sense of identity, expand your sense of purpose, the peaks and valleys of every day life, of earthly business will be much smoother with a greater understanding of how and where the earth is headed in the cosmos.

Identity is our being. Purpose is the fuel to our everyday frequency & decisions. Who we are being is based on some form of identity design, some form of belief system designing the frequency we emanate. Seeing our position in the cosmos, expanding the scale of understanding where we belong really quiets the whining, calms the nerves, don't you think?

Just look at where you belong! The LANIAKEA Supercluster.  Laniakea means "immeasurable heaven" in Hawaiian, lani - heaven and akea - spacious, immeasurable. Laniakea is the galaxy supercluster that is home to the Milky Way, the Solar System, Earth and YOU! Watch this 6 min video. A true HOME. A deeper sense of galactic belonging.



Keep redrawing the map of your universal home. Stay on top of what is going on, on a cosmic scale. It's a part of the data of your everyday benevolent design & decisions, as a sentient human, here and now. 


belong here


and over there too

just be/long

it's all it is


- rensen


Thank you for the READ!

So honored.

I am Dr. Denisa Rensen, Founder and Curator of the blissDesigned MAGAZINE.

I work with Global Visionary Loving Innovative Future-Conscious Women as they align & design their lives for SIGNIFICANCE, IMPACT & BLISS.

I am a Radical Longevity Expert & Anti-Aging Doctor based in Hawaii, as well. A Mother, an avid Designer, a Poet, a Freediver. Our day to day life is the MASTERPIECE, n'est ce pas? 

Feel free to get your free guide http://bit.ly/1kYnMvx.

WOMANDenisa Rensen