What you Zone in On


is fully your choice

Quantum physics clearly exposes the abundance of the universe. Anything goes, anything is possible. You direct it.

The key to this is the cosmic autonomy: you decide WHAT abundance you choose. Under the concept of quantum physics and design thinking, choosing the type and quality of abundance is possible.

Lack is an abundance.

Of lack.

Scarcity is an abundance of scarcity.

The collective consciousness of the planet is abundant in scarcity. There is a true ABUNDANCE of LACK in our present state of society. This trickles down to our communities, to the families and makes its nest nice & cozy in our subconscious minds. No wonder there is so much suffering.

“Love is simply an abundance of love.”

So when you are faced with financial constraints, debt or just a slow month, look deep inside at the mindset that is fueling this material reality. Where are you carrying an abundance of "lack of money", or an abundance of thoughts about the "scarcity of money".

Remember there are trillions of dollars in the world, we do NOT have to MAKE money. It's already 'made'. We just have to step into financial abundance mindset and attract the existing wealth in the world in, towards our lives, our service-based projects, our clients. 

“Know that you are always abundant! In WHAT is the key question to ask yourself. Go ahead, astonish the universe with the abundance of YOUR choice.”


Choose the abundance

of Abundance, ideally I say.


Thank you for the READ! So honored. I am Dr. Denisa Rensen, the CEO and Curator of the blissDesigned MAGAZINE. I am a Mentor for High-Achieving Global Women. Radical Longevity Medicine Expert & Anti-Aging Doctor. An avid Designer & Poet. 

 I support women globally as they align & design their lives for SIGNIFICANCE, IMPACT & BLISS.

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MONEYDenisa Rensen