bliss is the compass
love is the land
you are bliss
it's the quality of your being, once your are finally truly free
it's a kind of pure seeing
an absolutely blessed/rapturous feeling state, unencumbered, light, free
you experience it in your mind and in your body simultaneously
it's such a sweet love, melts you to the core
some arrive at it through satori (enlightenment)
some through kensho (hard earned arduous suffering and painful unveiling)
but the brilliant thing is —we all arrive! whether while alive, or at moment of our physical passing
we all get stripped of the brutal distortions in some way or another,
it's guaranteed, it's the name of the game here
all sages point to it, and many of us see it pure crisp clear
y e s
you are nature
y o u a r e b l i s s
ps: and I will keep upholding this for you, as long as I am here in this dimension alive with you,
my beautiful sisters & brothers, my friends, my soul mates