connecting time
Timelines Meet
They Are Drawn To Each Other
気 Is The Magnetism
So much talk about collapsing timelines. But if you really reflect on it, you realize you cannot really collapse a thing. Timelines are like the mere still-frames of a movie, infinite separate unique versions of a reality that feels to us like a continuous flowing film. Yet when you break it down, it's a still-frame after a still-frame. If you were to stay in one particular timeline, all would freeze. Just like a photo. You cannot collapse two photos. You can make a collage, but the result would be a separate photo itself, a unique piece of creative art.
Time as a flowing reality, from past to present to future, is simply a creative agreement we have made with our senses. In actuality, we are an ever-changing series of realities. Each smallest Planck measure of a second, or roughly 10^-44 of a second, is a completely different reality. Our higher consciousness knows that timelines are separate static realities, side by side creating a seeming beautiful intriguing illusion of flow. A beautiful film called - MY life.
Time Is A Created Thing
- lao tsu
Created, in our consciousness.
We can leave it here then, as merely an interesting conversation piece, a theoretical vestige of our chosen perspectives. No need to deliberate about this necessarily, in regular circles.
But 'time' is really relevant to our journeys of creating something of VALUE in this particular life time, our physical world. Most women I know are sincerely designing for a life they believe is relevant to their own HIGHER SELF & to the plight of the world as we experience it. Time is of the essence in our lives. I mean we see things evolving along a time line, we watch our children grow along a time line. Time is highly relevant in our decision making.
A more fruitful conversation to consider is 'connecting' timelines, creating 'relationships' between timelines that are relevant to the direction of movement we want to experience. Aligning frequencies so that timelines are attracted to each other.
There is a saying in Japanese 気が合う , ' ki ga au ' - meaning 'the QIs MEET'. When you are letting someone know that there is a resonance between two people, a connection, a chemistry, you say 'our Qis have met'. 気 is frequency, life force energy. 合 'Au' means 'to meet'.
The energies, the frequencies literally MEET. Perhaps it's not about collapsing timelines, but creating a vibration that attracts a meeting of your desired timeline. A connection of sorts. A chemistry.
Let's use an example. It's from a discussion I dove into yesterday, that illuminated the connection of timelines in the context of legacy creation.
For instance, you know you are meant to grow your mission in the world to a multi-million dollar company. This is not some egoic impulse you suddenly have. You have meticulously considered the purpose for every single dollar you are 'calling in' to make this come to a real physical reality. You know that creating the impact this mission is meant to have, it will require considerable financial resources. Everything requires money, even humility does. We all know it took millions of dollars to keep Mother Teresa and Gandhi doing their benevolent missions. Everything in reality, at this stage of human evolution, requires some form of 'funding', some form of 'fuel'. Money is merely a form of energy that opens opportunities for expansion and acceleration. In this particular incarnation.
So let's say you are in a timeline, a physical reality where you only direct 6 figures a year into your business. This is admirable, yes! totally celebrate that! But limiting still on the larger vision. In order to reach your true impact, you need to 10x that at the very least, you can sense the pull. Of course, you have genuinely & benevolently crafted that number as 'necessary', goes without saying. It's a genuine part of the mission design.
So how to meet the multiple 7-figure timeline? Vibrationally. With your frequency. Vibration is a result of the resonance of your belief systems, your WAY OF BEING in the world.
Who are you being? And what is stopping you from BEING the BEING that designs for multiple 7-figures and truly makes the precise impact that she KNOWS she is meant to.
WHO are you BEING?
WHO do you need to BE?
If you identify with precision the answers to these questions and begin to take very genuine & fearless action, then your timelines will begin to meet at an accelerated pace. Genuine & fearless are the operative words here. When aligned & devotional in your actions, you will be able to move through relevant timelines very swiftly to get to your destination! This can look like a collapse of timelines, but it is in actuality an acceleration of connection, meeting. A chemistry.
See where you are and BE with that, unconditionally. Do not resist, do not judge, just BE in full acceptance. The seed to momentum is planted in that surrender to 'what is'.
When I am spinning & lost, I stop and just stay with the spin & the void. It is not easy, omg. Not at all, I just want to get out of this place! But the chaos informs me powerfully.
'Accept fully, be All in' - is what I say to myself in times like these. This calms me, and after I stop losing my marbles, I can see more clearly. I can hear the lessons. This is great data for the next move.
WHO Do You Need To BE?
Not that there is a 'need' per say, all is accepted. But your multiple 7 figure timeline requires you to be vibrating at a certain frequency, to have certain things in place, mindset wise. Design this FUTURE you (well not future, actually, she is already existing, just in that desired timeline), design this 'necessary' you. Have her as your vision board, and become her daily!
I ask myself the question, who do I need to be in order to FLOW? In order to be in BLISS. In order to be vibrating at the frequency that will magnetize the next timeline in swiftly. I am not interested in waiting years for happiness. I design for happiness right now in this moment. This is my daily, moment by moment game I play with my head/heart/spirit. It's real good fun. On some days, it's excrutiatingly hard, in moments only. I always flip the hard into the soft. It's a game I play. Best game ever!
WHAT Is Stopping You?
We have heard this a million times. You would already be there, if you were not constantly stopping yourself. Yes yes. We get this. All realities are all simultaneously in existence. So why am I not where I desire to be? It's not rocket science. I am not there because I am blocking it, for good reasons, with all kinds of things. The blocks always serve some purpose. There are an infinite number of beliefs we can think up to block us. All that programming in my gorgeous rich dusty subconscious mind. Once we totally accept this and have a good laugh, we can begin to open the pandora's box and sequentially unearth, expose, thank & transmute the beliefs that are keeping our yearning higher frequencies at bay.
I keep a journal around me. As soon as I feel the frequency of resistance, I stop for a minute, I accept it fully. Then I bust out a pencil and write WHY I feel the block is serving me. WHAT beliefs are running this show? Then I invite myself into reality and Expose the sweet Fallacies, Flip the Beliefs. This takes maturity, no doubt. A willingness to be raw and vulnerable and real. It's a never ending resolve, an eternal dedication to #truth, perhaps. Some days I am real good at this, some days I suck. I write those off. Start again the next day.
Oh, what a show! It's ALL much like LOVE. You can feel who is right for you. You KNOW. You recognize in you a PULL to him/her. Why are you not with that person now? You are not ready. You have listened to the experts and love coaches. BE the PERSON that they would resonate with, FIRST. Yup, connecting and meeting of the Qis, the chemistry. It's all about a matching frequency. Supreme love is so worth fighting for! So is supreme LIFE! Whatever that means to you.