' manifestation is simply
the moment making love to momentum
presence flirting with the next
presence '
yes, beauty
it's a flirtation of sorts
first, get real clear on what the next presence feels like
real intimate with what you are calling in
refine your mating call, perfect it
taste the flavor of the next moment deep down, deep in the yearning heart of your pelvis
manifest, not from your heart, but from your womb
not from from your beingness, but from your becoming/ness
from your deep juicy must have! must touch! - desire
then, let go - surrender
let that gorgeous momentum just takes care of the rest
throw you down on his bed
and well, you know the rest, straight-up love
Why is manifesting from becoming/ness such a great idea?
Is it authentic.
Is it in integrity.
All reality, whether dipped in the past presencing or present presencing or future presencing is authentic to you, as long as it is aligned with your cosmic signature, your cosmic pull to creation.
What must you create? Answer that, and then manifest from that frequency. This is always a future presencing. I touched on that here FUTURE PRESENCE. Your creating force is always infused with the next moment of what must be. It's what creating is all about.
The present presence is infused with the vestiges of the past, we do not need that energy in our manifestations. We don't want to be recycling. We are here to create, expand, innovate.
The Future Belongs To Those Who Can Hear It Coming
- david bowie
To Those That Can See It
Taste It
Feel It
Especially To Those Who Are Willing To
Ravish it!
Devour it with Their undying Love
- rensen
So honored you are here with me. These shots of the LUCID, shots of BLISS are meant to be swift loving and empower you to live the full spectrum of the beautiful powerful blissDesigned woman you already are.
I am Dr. Denisa Rensen, the Founder and Curator of the blissDesigned MAGAZINE.
I work with Global Innovative Loving Future-Conscious Women as they align & design their lives for SIGNIFICANCE, IMPACT & BLISS. I am a Coach, a Doctor, a Designer, and a Writer.
We are here to design our precious lives for real significance, for true impact and for that intelligent grounding completing BLISS! Feel free to visit my ALL NEW VIDEO SERIES